Caring For Pastors Is What We Do

Many of my early years of pastoring were very hard. Through it all, God sustained me with a desire to seek him in his word for wisdom to deal with these serious problems that were often difficult to endure.

By His grace and blessing, I endured.

Over the years he surrounded me with growing team of faithful leaders through whom the church was reformed. It is both humbling and gratifying to see the church today, the love that the people have for the Lord, how they are growing in their faith, their knowledge of Scripture, and how they are inviting others to enjoy the blessings of belonging to Christ.

I know that I would not have survived those early difficult years in ministry without the care and counsel of friends, mentors, and counsellors. These people were all critical to my survival and longevity in a very hard place as sources of consolation, wisdom, and encouragement.

It was the ministry of these people to me that inspired me to start this new ministry to other pastors and ministry leaders. My concern for pastors, their churches, and the church as a whole in across Canada grows by the day. The pastoral vacancies keep increasing and the supply of qualified pastors is low - and the trend is downward.

Something must be done.